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Old 07-15-2016, 11:02 am
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Thursday Eviction Day 7/14/16

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tiffany that';s not what this game is about.. like moving forward if that is yor type of strategy it's just not good

frank im good on that,..

tiffany that's it.. im still not done talking to you tiffany

frank you aint by yourself.. when i looked in it looked like someone was getting teamed up.. it seems like a mean girl situation going on with 1 person crying..

tiffany ok im not going to cry anymore tonight

frank i like the sound of that .. frank leaves

Davonne really you dont see thru that shit

tiffany like i said.. i ahve zero people in the house

paul lets hear it tos some shade my way.. someone whispered that i couldnt trust davonne..

nicole i enver said that..

tiffany where did it start

paul you said that you didnt trust someone and yo said day

tiffany swear on your mothers life

paul no i wont.

tiffany well i cried and im a genuine person

paul i ahd a girlfirend that would fake cry

paul tell me when yo said hyou were fed mis information you said day

tiffany i sadi FRANK.. day was not there

paul of course day was said she was not there

tiffany this ws m miss information.. was that ws said

paul you were talking bout who ws after whom.. this is the conversation i am talking about

tiffany that's not what i was talking about.. and i dont recall that information at all

paul well it happened 2 hrs ago and jsut because yo cant recall it doesnt me it didnt happen and dont ever call me a lair and tell me to sear on my mother .. cuz all i do is relay information i dont need to tir or make up information

tiffany you dont have to say anything .. its causing a big rif with the girls it's causing a big target..

paul dont call me a liar

tiffany ok bud.. get yoru information

paul it was out of your mouth.. ok tiff.. you can say that.. dont call me a laiar.. and swear o n my mothers life and dont make faces at me..

Zakiyah when you say peole said things

tiffany i dont want to talk about right now in this situation .. and if i want to talk to y8ou it will be later.. ..

tiffany is being ganged up on with zakiyah and paul.. paul trying to make a point that he's in the same point.. then goes to counseling how to deal with the game and petty accusations ..

end back post 3:33 am

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