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Old 07-25-2018, 11:31 am
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Wednesday 7/25/18

Angie into have not room to complain to bay and haleigh

Angie: can i vent really quick.. I hate how flippin that sam is about this whole thing. it means something to me and my family.. she said that what if you go to jury and you dont and you dont.. and sobbing and fishies!

Angie: i meant it with the girls alliance.. to knock off the men. that matters to me to show my daughters.. these fucking people .. i didnt talk shit in peoples ears. i didnt make loyalties that i couldn't keep

BB calls haleigh to the DR

Angie; she said that kaitlyn voted for her.. and i said that i voted for steve cuz he was a fellow parenty

Bay: sam voted to keep him and you were the one who liked cuz you said you were going to keep him and fishies..

Fessy in have not room

Angie: i thought i had this great plan coming in.. and i thought i was in a good spot last night until i heard rachel saying aht kaitlyn will be a have not next week.. then that means they chose who is staying already.. and sam not giving me a nomination speech. saying after talking about JC being her best friend and when he said no no no.. that sam just went FINE>> rockstar then.. I didnt go around and promise empty promises..

fessy left

Angie: someone said that kaycee is controlled by rachel

bay; no i dont think kaycee is controlled by anyone

Angie; that;'s the rumor.. but the house.. is voting.. who;s the house.? kaitlyn? i thought we were teh house at one point

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