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Old 07-08-2017, 08:15 am
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UgotBronx UgotBronx is offline
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/8/17

Xmas is there someone

josh mark.. he went to me over thee week one.. and he said that i was going home.. that's why i went for safety.. noi one knows that.. i knew that was going to happen

xmas no one knew you were going for the apple

josh no.. he said to do what i ahd to do.. he thought i was going for hoh.. till i saw safety

xmas you paul alex and ramses need to ahve a convo before comp. to have a strategy going in to the pov.. if anyone else is pulled you can play and have fun.. if jess/cody are pulled then you ahve to play hard.. and then figure out.. some sort of approach to expedite cody in the comp.. weather it's you team up to make a better teams that's a good strategy.. that's going to freak him out.. and he will work twice as hard.. it's it's a spelling thing.. ahve your words already.. start thinking now..

josh misunderstanding..

xmas yeah misunderstanding. competition..
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