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Old 07-09-2016, 02:18 pm
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UgotBronx UgotBronx is offline
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/9/16

natalie to tiffany are you ok?

tiffany yeah

Davonne in london room she looks at the camera like she wants to say something

Zakiyah And nicole follow in

Nicole she is saying that she doenst want top win

Davonne frank told her to not win cuz she will put natalie up.

zakiyah people are so niave

nicole who are we really foor

zakiyah i jsut want thinks to stay the samew.

nicole paulie will keep the things the same..

zakiyha.. im more concerned aobut next week. tiffany goes home and wee get him out next week
.... like pualie's team throw it so we can move on in.. and james team to throw it .. or we have to BD him.. i dont give a shit

nicole i wold love for you to get it..

zakiyah it cant be paul

nicole if you want it im perfectly good with that..

zakiyah he is going to get the shock of his life.. cuz if you are messing with mines you're messing with me too.

nicole he;'s trying to make each of us feel special

zakiyah no.. im not buying that .. im going to amke him feel as comfortable as possible.. and then get him out the door

nicole he wants teh smoothest ride

zakiyah who would vote to keep him

nicole bridgette..

zakiyah if he stays that will be some miraculous shit.. im not prepared for that shit
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