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Old 08-13-2017, 08:33 am
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Sunday 8/13/17

backpost cont 4:55 am feeds 3/4 Cody outside to talk game with alex

Alex me and jason have nothing agsint you no problems.. im not voting.. the only person im worried about is him and imnot safe.. and im not putitng him in jeopardy and id rather see him win over me.. they are going to take someone down.. I want jason down.. you got a chance.. i invited you up to get some face time.. you need to get to everyone else..

cody that isnt going to happen

alex everyone has see what elena did today.. and she isnt that loyal to you

cody they aren't team mates and they ahve been the most disloyal to me

alex yeah they thrown everyone under the bus

alex elena isnt loyal to even mark..

alex ive never been agsint you trust me.. there are people that lied to my face and now im a camp guide..

cody i promise you that whatever people ahve said about me they're inside now so game talk ends

alex yeah we'll talk..

Alex heads to SR

Cody to bathroom

Alex restocks her hots and buns
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