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Old 04-06-2018, 03:49 pm
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Friday 4/6/18

maddy if you guys want me to go home and i cant see it the other way.. peole are twisting around what happened last week.. i am in the same boat whether im in the chair or her with you and you need more than 2 people to be safe in taht tri0le eviction.. please do not do it this way

maddy if im going on the block can you tell me who it is

akela i haven't talked to the other person.. and there is the veto and we can talk after that.. and i was gung ho to get ryan out.. so why would i get ryan out this week. i feel that he wouldnt if he was u

maddy he would go home..

kaela the fact no one was on my side and keep someone that was going after me..

maddy let me win a veto and show you that but not from the block.. you are looking at someone who has no allies.. clearly.. if i cant bring it to you in 3 days then put me up.. clearly this is not what i want to happen

akela no one ahs talked more aobut us other than you..

amddy give me till the veto we can have conversations till then.. dont put me on the block and we'll talk. that's all i can give

derek ok

maddy will you let me know pre ceremony if i was going up

kaela yeah

kaela let me get a hug it's never a non hug level

maddy give me till the veto.. this is so embarrassing.. im crying gain. if this is what people are saying then i have more to say..

maddy leavews

kaela laughs

Derek opens the door for will
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