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Old 10-10-2016, 08:01 am
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Sunday 10/9/16

kryssie i gave him zero reason to not like me and it was a pep talk on what not to say and i even went into the DR and defended him and for him to sit ther and not say it's not personal when it is

BB calls out Kryssie for talking about DR

Kryssie fine.. my bad.. ok but for him to sit there and say nothing is personal and i gave him zero reasons not to like me. i tried to reach out to your ass and you blew me off .. the very 1st 2 days im like please talk to me lets hang out together and he hung out with me for 1 second he fucking abandoned me and went over and sat by the HT Like FUCK YOU DUDE! LIKE FUCK YOU!

You want to sit here and say that it wasn't personal? you dont like me cuz you dont get me!

Justin right .. exactly that's why he dont like me though .. he dont get me but alot of people dont ya dig.. but im very vocal and i say whats on my mind and whether you like it or not i dont give a fuck

10:44 Kryssie he needs to understand that America is watching and America doesnt like people who hate people for no reason .. im pissed

Justin hopefully he'll go up and leave

Kryssie he cant go up this week cuz we dont ahve the numbers we have 2 of "our own" up there so it has to be scott which sucks cuz now im onboard with get that fucker out of here . I was like let him ride the trash will take him out

he was only nice to me cuz of America's care package and once that was done he told shane yesterday after I made my fucking choice that he didnt like me! Well fuck you dude! Im coming for you!

We cant get him out this week we dont ahve the votes

Justin i think whitney will vote him out

Kryssie i dont think she will

neeley i dont think she will

Kryssie but he fucked up today cuz he was the 1st person to speak up when those 2 were nominated and the 11st things out of his mouth was ' looks like the showmance has been targeted"

Kryssie DO NOT even act like you didnt know! I have a big problem with phoney! I have a big problem with him sitting here pretending he's something he's not and getting down on all of us for being who we are! it's damn unfair!
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