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Old 07-13-2018, 01:56 pm
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Friday 7/13/18

JC to Scottie in have not room

JC: you put someone that you dont ahve a lot of blood you dont want to put a big target up.. cuz he has a big following.. if you put brett up.. you know those people are coming for you. he;'s never target you or said your name in a bad way

scottie: do you think they voteed to keep steve

JC: I think so.. but i dont speak to game to them.. I give advice to you.. and I told tyler he would be a nice guy to work with.. and the bro's to see who they voted for. brett talked to steve a lot.. and im not putting my hand over fire for them

scottie: but steve never liked them

JC; i dont knnw.. that swaggy side.. they dont trust each other.. like I think taht fessy i trust him.. but i think haleigh will do what you want.. and i dont trust rockstar.. she was talking to me right before the elimination like.. and fishes.. so i didnt ahv eto work with you guys or the other 4.. but she was in yor group.. and swaggy's group... adn then she told me that she does what is benificial to her game. and im like oh. that is why im not working with that side.. if we are goingt owork as a goup im doing what is benificial to us.. i think she was the one that is switching votes.. and she is like a leech.. and she was always up in HOH kissing ass. like tyler she was claling him pretty boy and then up there with kaitlyn.. and now she is up yor ass.. i think she is like licking hoh ass.

JC : i want to work with someone that i can trust.. whatever happened.. i got your back and yo got mine.. but i cant do that with her.. before the steve thing. she wanted to use me as her minion. she sent me to find out which way the bro's were going to vote.. and i was pised cuz i asked fessy.. but yeah.. that's why i dont like her too much

JC: if you do something crazy scottie.. you wont be HOH and i dont want you to go home

scottie: i want to get rid of someone i know i cant beat at the end..
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