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Old 08-15-2017, 07:55 pm
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Tuesday 8/15/17

7:24 Inside lockdown

7:26 feeds 1/2 Alex and jason up in HOH

Alex that ws rude did you hear how many times he said he as going to tkae a shower

jason it's cause he cant hear

alex he can hear.. no one acknowledge him and then he got up adn then laid down next to you guys.. i think he likes to feel wanted.. he wants to be engaged in the shit.. he knows why the propane tank is cold.. he's is being condesending

jason so you think he is a sociopath.. he probably is..

alex i thought it was a sales tactic.. like you and him didnt ahve hoh wher are your pictures and his?

jason i think you showed your teeth enough can you chill a bit.. i dont want you to be a target.. people are scared of you which is great

alex i weight 100 lbs

jason you are sharp as a tack.. you've got a tool.. I dont awnt people to get tired of it a little give and go..

alex i wasnt planning on fighting..

jason either was yesterday

alex yesterday i did it on mark on purpose

jason maybe they are setting you up or something

alex that's paul and xmas

jason he's worried about soething.. he's worried aobut whats goijng on on the outside

alex that's his G/F she is a public figure

jaosn i told him i need you and we need you.. if you are not herrre then we are not here.. and same with you.. i dont want it to go the othe way.. too much of a good thing is too much

alex i wanted everyone to see it with elena..

jason and now you succeeded..

jason i want you here with me.. you've proven you.. we were wher we were.. and now we';re at the tip and i dont want to be the dictator.. i dont want them to be all of our thoughts are hers

jason mark and elena. are like.. but matt and raven inserted themselves..

alex rave's been trying to get with paul day one..

jason you see xmas out there kevin likes it with xmas hold him and stuff..

aklex that's gross wied.. a grown man

jason that keeps him calm.. i dont sit on my bed when she is there

alex to each their own

alex we ahve to play our cards smart..
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