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Old 08-11-2017, 05:14 pm
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UgotBronx UgotBronx is offline
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Friday 8/11/17

paul matt losses on purpose.. now that we cant get him as a back up do we get out mark or raven.. i said we get out 2 guys back to back

josh elena doesn't do good under pressure but mark performs

kevin josh plug this in so it charges..

josh what do i look like a dummy telling me it was luck!

paul josh go bring us snacks..

josh no

paul we cant eat alex's stuff she counts her stuff and shit..

josn you think cody is going to jsut give up

ekvin no he said a broken clock.. is right twice a day..

paul what does that mean

keivn fuck yo paul.. he siad he doesnt remember going in the room

josh what aobut teh broken clock

kevin fuck you with the broken clock i'll smash it on yoru head

kevin ti woulda been a ie breaker

paul his best bet woulda been to lose

kevin he tried.. it was when the the music started.. he was in teh hoh..

kevin he's never been here since we got here

paul matt feels comfortable.. elena is up there.. and that big olga is happy.. and safe.. and alex has no blood on her hands.
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