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Old 07-05-2016, 06:03 pm
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Tuesday 7/5/16

Fatal 5 have a meeting feeds 1/2 5:45pm BBT

Davonne i had the longest meeting with tiffany.. i told her that she is scaring us and we ahv eto protect her behind closed doors

tiffany im sorry if i made you guys feel any kind of way or uncomfortable.. but something with frank irks me to death but anyone else it wouldn't bother me.. and i have yor guys back 100% and me coming to you should show yo.. and my tone can be loud or aggressive in any way.. and trust me that's not my intention.. and im not my sister.. and i ahve your guys back 100%.. and i totally understand with knowing my sister.. i did freak out.. but im not like that

davonne one thing she did point out was that even though she freaked out she didnt run around and tell anyone anything..

nicole thank you..

tiffany if you do hear any information please tell me dont worry aobut me reacting to it. i ahve gotten information.. and havent said anything thing or reacted.. he was really really rude and i responded to that..

Michelle i want to have an 8pack meeting

davonne it's been a long time since we had that.. but we need more than an 8 pack meeting

tiffany do you think the 8 pack has my best interests.

davonne yeah.. vic is going home..

tiffany what are you thinking nicole

nicole my heart is beating.. im dehydrated.. im tired and exhausted.. im sick of talking game to be completely honest i need to escape.. and i feel guilty to vote out vic.. it's so hard for me to tell someone that they have mny vote..

michelle he's been so nice

nicole yeah.. he has been nice but im not changing my vote..
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