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Old 04-20-2016, 03:52 pm
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UgotBronx UgotBronx is offline
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Wednesday 4/20/16

maddy if i go to jury i would be more pissed that i didnt do this than if i did.. and when the end comes and i see tim at the end i will say i told you guys..

maddy i ahve no leverage against you

tim you're saying taht i have the leverage

maddy you have all of the leverage

tim you're saying that whoever haas power that i will help them to do what they want to do

maddy would it matter who is in power that you will help them

tim and if you had won the power you wouldn't be in this postions

maddy we cant talk of what if's and you guys should snot talk in that.. either.. because they might get yo.. and look around at the people that have at least 1 person or 2.. and tim will ahvbe 2 people no matter what cass and nikki

tim int the same regards that i wouldnt want to work with cass with you and ramsey does that show that cass and I aren't ride or die

maddy i know that you are not ride or die but i dont know about cass with that

tim the same goes for nikki and i didnt want to brain wash nikki.. you could have gone home sooner but you didnt .

maddy the way some of us are playing is so personal. and im not saying that was bad .. i was loyal next to ramsey

kelsey if i ahve to go home on the block next week i would rather it be from someone i like and likes me and not you

maddy you dont know what my targets are.. they ahve changed since i went up.. and you are just assuming.. and at the same time dont.. i want people to make a decision that cau i might be on teh block.. they all might put you ont eh block.. im just telling you that my targets have changed.. and i dont know what it comes down to with you

kelsey i dont want to put you down but you ahve been mean and nasty

cass it's now the time for game moves

maddy you guys can leave if you want.. if it means a nothing to kelsey that is fine and others can leave

tim we cant go anywhere

mady that's fine if you want me to leave cuz im a mean and horrible person THAT'S FINE!

Kelsey gets up and walks away
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