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Old 08-12-2017, 06:43 pm
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UgotBronx UgotBronx is offline
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Saturday 8/12/17

matt elean thinks that she is expendable taht josh and alex put her up.. so i think that we are in great shape right now..

raven is mark wins she will ahve mark put up alex/josh

matt it's nto what we wnat but someone ahs to do it.. and if xmas wins she is putting up mark/elena.. jason wins he's putting up mark/elena

raven when they go outside they will ahve an argument..

matt yeah for sure..

matt it's kinda selfish what happened today things are going our way.. she was like since no ones talked game with her for 4 weeks since cody.. and i was like well

raven i said that i dont know what will happen when cody leaves and i siad to her saht no one would wnat to get back in a big alliance.. it makes sense and she said yeah.

matt i like her a lot as a person but it took me a lot to not say anything.. she already sealed her fate with her alliance. she did say the only person she wouldnt take the $5000 from was raven

raven she did say that?

matt i gave my word one time and that ws to xmas.. i think regardless who wins hoh we are good.. and then things will blow up.. but be prepared to hear a lot fo game talk cuz everyone trusts you..
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