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Old 04-11-2018, 11:21 am
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UgotBronx UgotBronx is offline
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Wednesday 4/11/18

Will I feel that erica is part of this whole thing.

johnny i kinda feel that everyone ants to keep derek and im thinking id rather keep kaela.. but in th triple at least next week pout one of them up and then maybe if maddy paras will go up next to them

Will i think that ali is one of the sketchy players in the game

johnny i agree with you on it but i dont want her to knwo

will you knwo i got you back.. and you knwo that iu cant have eveyrone's back kaela b roke her trust me with and im way closer with liv than i am with kaela.. maddy thinks that her social game is what saved her

johnny when i didnt put her up on the double she thinks she didnt go up cuz of her self.. i put in the work

will she talks.. it gets to me.. all the way she ets into deteail

johnny she thinks she's really clever

will she is only kept cuz she is a flaoter

johnny if it was me you and erica.. if maddy went up you can say the speech taht erica said..

johnny we can do some damage if we really trusted each other

will i feel that she doesnt give me enough

johnny she's like me

will i think she needs to though.. lets go inside to see if we can make thi happen
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