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Old 11-01-2016, 02:09 pm
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Tuesday 11/1/16

Morgan grabs danielle up in HOH
morgan i jsut wnted to pick yoru head. i felt good after our convo. so the flip surprised me.. and you dont ahve to tell me anything.. but that deal i offered. i'd still like to work with you but,.

danielle i kept y8ou off the block i did like what you brought to me. and i was playing a defensive game cuz i diodnt know where the america's nom was.. and i left you off as a bargining chip.. after we saw who america's nom was it shifted from defense and offense.. anad after seeing scott wrapped up like a bow.. .. like america handed me to him on his HOH.. and he took out shane and not me and he took out shane cuz he was an emotional player.. and i took down whitney cuz i felt that alex would vote out whitney over scottt. and for me it's secure iof it's whiteny and alex voting and america /. i feel taht yoru alliance is more with what lex wants.. and i put you up cuz i have no way of voting and this is the only way i can get my way of voting.. and ge scott to go

morgan i dint know if you putting me up if y8ou wanted me out or scott

danielle yuou are a better spot for me than whitney i feel that she wont turn..

danielle and i didnt want to create tension between us.. and i do want to keep that door open in the future and keep you hear

morgan the way you explain it it makes sense.. ..

danielle im not targeting you.. when america hands you a gift you ahve to take it .. and this is the best scenirio for scott to go and takes you out of that spot of having to decide who goes

morgan yeah.. ok.. thanks for chatting'

Danielle and morgan leave hoh
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