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Old 07-27-2017, 01:41 pm
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UgotBronx UgotBronx is offline
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Thursday Eviction Day 7/27/17

Elena if the votes dont come out right and ramses goes then something is going on.. they have been lying to me

jess look at me and swear you dont know anything about this

elena i swear.. and if this is the case paul is leading it. and i know you are close.. but he hasnt said anything to me.. once last night and once today i walked in on convos and they were studying

jess i walked in on a convo with paul raven matt.. t it was very strange.. they wouldn't give me a straight answer.. and i think it's going to be you cody makr voting to keep ramses and a good person will be going.. and i dont know if it's cuz they will be going after cody and I but paul is safe..

elena who knows aobut your safety

jess no one but Cody.. and lets just say my temptation is better than pauls..

elena how long you safe for can you pick someone to stay safe with you

jess i cant answer that but it's better than that

xmas rolls in and talk ends
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