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Old 09-18-2016, 01:08 pm
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Sunday 9/18/16

james and paul in safari room 12:29

right after fishies.. paul says i didnt play that comp

james yeah man..

paul whats that.

james in audible

james she asked me if i threw that comp.. and said i fell off when she did,.. and i said no.. and thats why i was yelling that she and corey having shorter cords than me.. and she is getting her speech ready for wed. and going over pointers and my speech.. and im like alright..

paul she wants to be in that mind set.. im not.. i want to go in clear minded.. it's not a comp

james she said that she was hgoing over key pioints on what the Hg's would ask.. she's a study bug though. thats what i think when she comes in here

james i think she is assuming i ws throwing the comp so y8ou can win and then i can play her in the next one

paul why would you throw that and want to go in it with her in a mental one

james she was saying the physical one

paul all i do is rope climb.. or i got to the park they ahve work out areas i'll climb that pole with they have rings.. and then i'll slowly come down.. grip is my strongest.. i lucked out on the button.. getting up there was hard.. once up it wasnt bad.. it was jumping on taht mother fucker and having to hold on.. that's horse shit.. i saw you slip and that was awful

james i didnt think aobut swinging..

paul i knew it was going to happen that we'd ahve to swing plus we'd look funny dangling there.. but i would jump and grab cuz i knew that wood ws slippery.. and i knew i can use that rope..
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