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Old 06-28-2019, 06:59 am
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Friday 6/28/19

What to know

Tommy and Christie are working together and each are working on the other side of the house.

Jack Jackson Christie Nicole Analyse and Holly are in an alliance.

Jack Jackson and Tommy are in an alliance

Christie Analyse Holly Nicole Jessica Kathryn are " working together"

Ovi has been irritating some of the HG's particular the women by unwanted massages but the guys have tried to tell him to back it off kindly.

Sam intends to use the veto on Cliff

Christie's orginal plan with the alliance was to nominate Kemi as the replacement nominee and everyone agreed they'd vote her out. HOWEVER last night Christie Holly Analyse have mentioned how " THIS IS NOT THE JACK AND JACKSON SHOW" and since Jackson is safe from winning the Camp Director twist. Jackson could be a renom. The girls all have mentioned on how Jack is working all the girls.

Several of the guys have mentioned how Jackson and Christie might become " A THING". Christie does not want that type of target on her back and the only way to get that target off her back is to get Jackson out.

Kemi only became a target when she happened to name who is working together in front of bella who brought that back to Jack and Jackson whom she has a 3 person alliance with.

Christie might have the votes to get Jackson out if she plays her cards right but that is a lot of blood on her hands especially if there is a battle back of some sorts which we know Julie mentioned at the end of the premiere night show #2.

Christie would have to secure Analyse, Holly, Kemi, Nicole, Cliff, Ovi, Tommy and Jackson would be evicted over Kathryn. It's a sticky move but if Christie pulls this off the only one that would really be gunning for her is Jack if he wins HOH next.

Jackson spent the night consoling Kathyrn who feels she will be evicted even though he told her repeatedly that she was going to be ok.

Kemi is beginning got get the feeling she may be a renom.

Holly is already sick of everyone since they have nothing interesting to talk about.

Everyone else seems to be either having a meltdown, missing their families or empathy crying.

Still no animosity outwardly spoken of so everyone is still kumbaya in the house to each other's face.
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