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Old 04-11-2018, 07:35 am
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UgotBronx UgotBronx is offline
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Wednesday 4/11/18

Erica if the triple is next week there is no way one of us wont survive.. so it wouldnt be a bad idea to solidify something with the other side

johnny what about maddy will paras.. but paras is always like i dont give her nothing in the game

erica oh fuck

erica she just loves you as a person

johnny what can i give her

erica something that wont come back to peole

erica my issue is , and i fucked up.. anad parass was very forth ccoming aobut her distrust on maddy and i sat on it.

johny i did too

erica i do think she feels in a worst position than last week so she's going life line life line..

johnny paras doesnt need to trust maddy more than she needs to trust us. and it's not our fault that maddy sucks in the game

erica i thought i was going to be at the bottom of the totem pole but it sucks that i ahve no competitors

Erica canada send us the powers.. we are just weak gays.

Erica out of bed,.

Erica what's on teh agenda? Solidfy will us 3 to the end

Johnny you want to talk to him individually?
Erica you talk to him and then let me knwo and then we'll talk

Erica i played on paras's emoptional support that i gave he when i was HOH.. im just reminding her that.. i cant wait for you to win so i can feel safe like i made you feel

Erica i dont know parsa.. .. i put in the work for them (liv/ali)

Johnny they are not putting in the work.. and ali just makes you feel uncomfortable

erica yeah.. ali blew up and she doesnt give a shit and liv doesnt want to give information at all yet you're pulling salad bowls out? FUCK OFF!! I get it you dont want to expose your game.. are you a team or no? it boils my blood i cant. if yo want to be on a team that protects you.. you want us to protection only.. that's great

Johnny we have to say this to will

Erica i think we need to subtly hone in that to will the fact that daela doesnt give a shit about him
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