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Old 04-11-2018, 07:23 am
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UgotBronx UgotBronx is offline
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Wednesday 4/11/18

Erica happy day 40! it's a solid 50 days from loved ones..

ali congrats lovers

Erica it;'s like we're in prison.. even prisoners get visitors

Ali leaves

Erica ok Heavens devil whats up

Eirca will was talking saying for him he said taht he trust us.. and then i sasid i would never put him or johnny up and i let that sit with him and he said that he trusts us

erica that means that i have no desire to take a shot at will

johnny i was talking to derek and kaela

erica i feel im good with kaela but she's a player.. so you cant be good with someone like that

johnny she was talking about having a battling of the ego;'s

erica yeah always anad it's stupid shit and she is losing and i love it.. i dont mind taking a shot at her.. worst case is derek wins.. i'd love to win and take that shot

johnny im worried about a comp .. like we're ignoring derek

erica yeah we'd be out

erica i dont care i'd draw the line in the sand it's kill or be killed

Johnny we're there.. we can always create the iullusion taht paras is on our side

erica i feel that i did a decent job out of scarring the shit out of her yesterday like subtly

johnny ill say stuff to her that maddy said..

erica maddy said some shit i dont trust.. and i dont think that paras is as close as maddy and paras talks more shit about anyone ..

erica as long s you can do it in a way that

johnny siad

erica you jsut have to ask leading question

johnny i'll say that maddy talked aobut working with me.. and paras will be all pissy

erica paras haas no concept of backpocketing information

johnny if they beat us at this game

erica i will die. No great players ever win. hopefully we get to change that.. if we can get thru this week with 1 less member of daela i will feel so much more comfortable
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