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Old 07-14-2017, 10:28 am
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Friday 7/14/17

Alex i talked to elena it's possible the jess is going up and i cant say cuz of rules.. and im thinking someone from our side.. me ramses paul were locked up.. so we know that there is a vote.. and im not doing a cody thing.,. raven knows.. i'd rather put up someone who might annihilate us.. and their name comes up pretty often and their name comes up a lot.. and there is a 3rd person and if they ask why they are stirring the pot.. and i';ll give you a clue that there is a backdoor and it's only cuz they cant defend themselves

Alex we just need a majority for this to happen.. and i told elena last night that jess is throwing raven under the bus saying she's dumping out coke and that she hid my ears and im not going to beleive her.. and im like.. we cant listen to anything that she's says.. she's going to be super desperado. so dont listen to it

alex does all the talking and matt just yeps
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