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Old 07-27-2016, 07:19 pm
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UgotBronx UgotBronx is offline
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Wednesday 7/27/16

frank just tell me so i know

nicole i dont know.. honestly

frank they are saying about a deal i made with you.. i never did..

frank i never made a deal i only talked to z about it but nothing ever happened.

nicole last time i was here i took the heat for the the whole frankie thing.. and i wound up going home the next week

frank i was so pissed last night

nicole i dont ahve anything to do with that.

frank if you want to help me out id appreciate it but if not.. then help bridgette out..

nicole whoever yoru target is it will be her target

frank not necessarily..

nicole im not going to say anything.. and if i win hoh or not.. maybe then i will

franbk why dont you vote to keep me

Frank dopnt take my speech personal

nicole you calling me out

frank no.. im not going that hard

nicole you gonna say my name and single me out?

frank no im going to compliment bridgette and then talk shit about teh house and poiint out a couple of people.. im not that mean.. im just going to go out'
nicole with a bang

frank just confident that im going..

frank i think corey wants to keep me.. and paulie and michelle that's 3

nicole corey can do what he wants

frank i told michelle that it might be that but after she was talked to outside last night victor grabbed her and i was like who the fuck is he doing..

nicole you were legit with boogie janelle britney.. and dan.. like that was.. and fishies..
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