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Old 07-30-2017, 02:26 pm
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UgotBronx UgotBronx is offline
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Sunday 7/30/17

jess up to HOh to talk to paul

paul josh jason kevin and alex have no idea.. i felt them out and that i didnt want to put a target on my back and that we talked and that she doesn't touch the block and that alex goes on the block

paul when i said this elena said that alex is strong mark said that cody is not goodd for his game and that she stirs the pot and ok to get her out and then mark was ok.. and then matt.raven were sure and then xmas t

jess if you can get them all in a room..

paul i can make that happen.. but i dont wnat o be obvious.. if theya re all outsie tanning.. bnut kevin likes to roam.. but he will tell jaosn

paul after this convo this has to be squashed 8 people cant keep congregating up to the hoh.. you are not the issue you have never been the issie.. only cuz of cody. once he is gone your social game is great.. if you get people to jury . like no.. this is a big week. this secures us in jury.. cody doesnt want to be here.. he cares about you. that's finbe.. i know what happens during and after this game.. some people are petty and hate each other.. i hope cody isnt like that i hope we can high 5 get a beer and talk about guns (paul doesnt like guns told kevin last night )

paul you are the stronger player not cody.. you have been wrong. BB is a social experiment.. not a competition experiment . im not yoru enemy dude.. i hope you dont ahve a vengence on me.. cuz cody is out of the game it's a collectiver move.. i make the game moves. cuz maybe they dont ahve the confidence.. i am not afraid to play this game. i played this game : deadhorse:

paul i can gt people up here

jess yeah

paul today?

paul you are ok that i pull jason off

jess yeah

paul i haven't told everyone the stipulation of your hex(lies)

jess i asked something in the DR and it affects veto and when they get back to me i will get back to

paul yeah ok..
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