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Old 04-25-2016, 10:05 am
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UgotBronx UgotBronx is offline
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Monday 4/25/16

Jared and joel casual talking. not game talk.

jared asks what he asked him mom

joel if dad was watching

jared they are happy.. who do you think is in teh playoff (hockey)

Joel likes hockey talk ..

feeds 3/4 tim is going on about saying " if you said something" but i dont know why joel is not talking.. and maybe he wants to talk to cass 1st

nick yeah and we've all did say something stupid in the game at some point.

tim and i know that people are saying that i voted her out week 3 and that wasnt inside the game that was outside the game and it would ahve gotten me in a lot of trouble .. and she stayed.. and i was walking a fine line..

tim i told joel what i ws doing

nick my loyalty is set.. we made a comment and we freaked otu or got frustrated.. and everyone knows why

tim i think i know what it is..

nick you doi

tim obviously he has a deal with them that excluded... but it has to be more than that

nick it has to be . he's more rattled and we wont know until it's exposed or spoken about

tim im more than happy to expose it it's always been my thing in this game.. if you've done nothing wrong then thee is nothing to hide
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