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Old 08-16-2018, 07:27 am
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Thursday Eviction Day 8/16/18

What to know

Angie is worried that she doesn't have the votes to stay. She told haleigh that Sam said she has her vote when the veto was used but Sam never said that to her. (not on the live feeds anyway).

haleigh mentioned that maybe they have a 6 person alliance and if so we're fucked! (scottie was there the whole time)

JC refused to give any leeway on how he was voting to fessy. He told fessy that he can't ask him to trust people when they have been doing things and not telling him what they are doing like haleigh being the hacker.

Sam was told by haleigh that Angela's pitch to not going on the block she was throwing Sam's name under the bus. Angela did say that Sam wasn't happy and wanted to go home. but never said Sam should be on the block

later Sam grabbed tyler into the have not room and asked him what do you want me to do. tyler told her I want you to do what you want. i will never tell you what to do. I trust kaycee, she's not coming after me now and that RS and Haleigh were/are and so he is keeping Kaycee.

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