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Old 05-08-2017, 07:37 pm
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UgotBronx UgotBronx is offline
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Monday 5/8/17

karen if he didnt want you gone he woulda put me up.. but now youa re goig to jury..

dillon karen you are brutal

karen he said down here that we were doing the awards things.. he already knew what he wanted to do

dillon i think them 3 are doing

karen no..

karen he is going home if i have anything to do with it

akren you understand from zero to thirty four.. and from t34 on.. you know what it's like to be loyal with me.. but he was playing you.. i liked you and me.. it had nothing to do with game.. i dont need to make a name up

dillon what was your name

karen teh bragade

dilon others were in it

karen yeah but it was dismantled and the only ones that were loayl were me and her.. and we stayed that way.. and she was shocked when demetres put me up

dillon no she knew

dillon that's my whole argument.. when im up against a wall there are not too many people that can beat me in the whole world

karen if he wanted demetres to go home. he's doing this to screw with yoru mind.. he's doing this on purpose.. and you know for a fact taht demetres should go home.. he's manipulating..

dillon he's s snake

karen he did this on purpose

dillon so youa re telling me there is no shot

karen im saying that it's a real quandry.. and it's difficult for me.. if i wanted to stay true to my word.

karen he had a chance 2 weeks ago and

dillon to get ika out

karen yeah

dillon and she didnt even campaign
karen he wants to be looked upon as some great player
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