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Old 05-02-2017, 08:14 am
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Tuesday 5/2/17

ika to kevin.. me and dre had a 2 hr convoiersation and she gets it.. she is making it look bad.. it looks bad

kevin it's bad

ika yeah game aside.. and i said that she thinks that you are leading him on.. and i said no..

kevin im trying toi push him away

BB Demetres to DR

Ika people look at you and you cant shake what they thik of you.. William is innocent naive.. and just yoru age where he is childlike.. and if kevin looked like hat.. but you are older.. and i said that peole dont know you and youa re hard to read.. you are seen aas with william

kevin to the HG's not only to canada

ika i thought you were being nice cuz of your image.. i said that i ws wrong.. and put a stop to it.. everyone has been saying that you are using him and they are calling him that poor boy..

kevin i didnt know that

ika every single person even karen..

ika last night dillon made some comments that i was ghettto.. and i can make some comments on how dillon looks.. but i wont.. and kevin appearances.. it looks bad.. and i dont think youa re like that..

ika you know when you leave here things in here follow you.. and i dont want that for you.. everyone has said he's disgusting.. and they call him poor boy.. william is called innocent but he is sassy.. and i know that this is damaging yourself outside this house

kevin so dre will talk to me today

ika yeah she came to me and said that kevin is disgusting with william.. and i said to her that he is being honest.. and i bought into the perception of william.. and i dont want you to leave this

kevin so karen said that william is you pili and i said no

ika he said you degraded him.. every time he was said in this house it was because of you
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