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Old 07-23-2016, 05:02 pm
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UgotBronx UgotBronx is offline
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/23/16

natalie i heard things come out of their mouths

james yeah like frank said that he touched davonne's but and you said bridgette said it was a lie

natalie yeah.. she was saying it was a lie it's a lie it didnt happen.. she told me at so much information it started hurting my head

james why is this veto at 8pm we're having a late night veto

james and i dont tell anyone anything.. and i always try to take heat off of you.. even the guys were talking about thier girls.. paulie about zakiyah corey about nicole and victor about his girls at home..

natalie his girls at home omg

james and i didnt bring you up

james it was guy stuff.. you know

natalie thats not cool. i dont care asa long as you dont say anything about me

natalie does paulie really like zakiyah

james he said he likes her but doesn't like how territorial she is being .. he said that lst night if the cameras werent on that he was about to go in.. and that zakiyah was on it last night and he said he doesnt know how much he can take it

natalie zakiyah says she doesn't know that he likes her

james he said he wants to wait till after the show and if she cant take it inside the house

natalie it's not appropriate for me.. like someone is watching you.. i want to be a good role model for my nieces and cousins.. and family
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