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Old 03-26-2017, 02:38 pm
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Sunday 3/26/17

Cass jackie is now working with neda.. do you talk to her

karen she doesnt really talk.. i can see from being HOH they ware with you with you and then they are gone again.. i ahve some distrust.. the ones that are less secure are in there up her ass.. she said she wouldnt put me up..

cass i never said your name nor gary or ika.. she is holding onto the 5 just to hold on to yuo.. she is done with th3e bragade.. she thinks that she can control you

karen so if they flip the vote and jackie wins HOH then i go home after you

cass we ahve 5..

karen i dont trust dre.. i see her.. she's acting weird the alst couple of days..

cass she is over whelmed..

karen im looking at her like she was kinda neutral.. and i told her.. like what are you going to do.. and i said jackie and she said you.

casss to keep me?

karen yeah.. and she said that she is not the same person..

Cass william is so easily persuaded.. and kevin is in bed with him..

karen i dont trust him.. but i do talk to him.. and dallas did tell me convo's that kevin and dallas had.. and it throws him off

cass this stays here.. all of this does.. dallas said night 1 they had a 5 guys alliance dallas bruno dillon kevin and mark..a nd that is why bruno fought so hard to try and flip it.. and take mark off..

karen i told bruno not to use it..

cass after mark left they brought in the girls.. emily ika neda and jackie

karen dillon needs to go
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