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Old 03-10-2018, 12:22 pm
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UgotBronx UgotBronx is offline
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Saturday 3/10/18

Ryan whats up?

olivia i feel better that you had a convo with all of us in the room.. and we are sticking to the plan.. and that andrew is of course better for mne

ryan when people start talking and i cant ahve that happen..

olivia in yoru mind what makes an replacement good

ryan it may be a different replacement on who wins.. if neither wins veto you would vote to evict andrew.. so that's not a surprise.. so if andrew wins.. and i need a vote for me it would make sense you couldn't be swayed to keep hamza.. could someone convince you someone over hamza.. youa er in law school this si what arguments are for.. so if you are not in the chair. im not saying you will or wont be.. then maybe your vot could end up being actually of the options.. that hamza is the 3rd best option to go home..

ryan i literally thought of every person and conversation i have had and im not sure theya re going to but i can stop johnny from winning.. but i think that it will be hard for him if he won agsain.. and you are getting closer to johnny

olivia emotionally

ryan when youare looking across the room at the johnny who won against everyone.. that guy needs to be dealt with at 1st opportunity.. all it takes to get to the f2 is to alternate wins hoh and veto.. if johnny wins a 3rd one there's a threat on that kid and i told him to his face
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