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Old 04-20-2016, 10:50 am
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UgotBronx UgotBronx is offline
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Wednesday 4/20/16

tim i think tht jared wold keep maddy but he would need the bro's on baord and they dont vote

tim and we cant put any one of us on the block cuz we are a vote

tim we jsut spin it to jared/kelsey taht nikki is the target. and we spin it to nikki that kelsey is the target

cass i think we need a BD in place and jsut put up 2 pawns

tim they will ask who is it. we don't want to say who is it.

Jole we put up kelsey and nikki and we say that we needed to do it so no one is onto us and if jared wins veto he can use it on kelsye and put up teh bro's and say that we were always doing that all along

tim is there enough time to say that.. and if it is not used the nikki goes home

tim but jared and teh bro's know that if they dont win veto they will go home. they will work that out if they are smart.
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