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Old 08-14-2017, 09:11 am
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UgotBronx UgotBronx is offline
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Monday 8/14/17

josh matt is annoyed with yo he knows you are not locked in with him.. and i can tell raven is annoyed

xmas you are like that sometimes

josh if yo dont think the whole house is onto to us you are stupid.. they knwo that im locked in wkith you guys.. they knwo.. if they gun for kevin we are fucked.. you ahve to chill on that

josh kevin is a grouwn man.. kevin is going to be like im a grown man.. im not going to listne to a 24 year old. but keivn didndt know how close i am to you.. even now how it is i dont think he will turn on us..

paul his behavior is something that worries about

josh im like that with jason..

paul that's cuz you are annoying him..

josh yeah but his words are coming from mark

paul ro kevin

josh maybe.. im nto standing by anyone but you 2

paul you ahve to not say that.. you said it one time.. dont say that anymnore

josh yeah..

paul im not going to push kevin the last thing i need is someone else to go rogue..
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