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Old 05-07-2016, 01:51 am
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UgotBronx UgotBronx is offline
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Friday 5/6/16

cass i dont want his fake friendship

kelsey i dont think itsfake

cass he can go sleep in HOH

cass to tim dont give me fall hope. you know you're not going to do that for me

tim i want to see what the ebst option

cass you said you wanted to get a good polayer to the end

tim i jsdut want to do whats riight

cass but there is always something like im an idiot

tim no not at all none of this is a surprise to you cass.. this isnt a betrayal and dont go and ruin this something that we have great here''

cass you said that you weren't here to win

tim im not going to giv e up my place though. i dont know what you want from me

cass saying taht you're not going to do ity

tim i said that over 2 hrs ago. i said to let me sleep on it..

cass if you're friends with me you'd be here sitting with me.. and not hanging out across the hall laughing..

tim i dont want to be here and it get negative.. i was laughing over there it was something light hearted.. and that's what we decided that we wanted for the week

cass just be a friend stop getting my hopes up..

tim im your friend.. and im not bullshitting, it's just a heartbreaking situation for me

cass act like my friend,. you dont want to be then dont be in here
tim i am your friend,..

cass dont go into the hoh room and continue to talk about me saying that you're going to walk out of a game for me cuz you're my friend.. you're not going to do it.. so that's it.. my point is i dont like my friends leading me on or giving me hope

tim im not

cass you are.. and you were laughing at me in the HOH room

tim i wasnt .

cass you were.. final 3 club.. blah blah blah

tim i only said that once

cass i worked my ass off for that veto i was off by one minute.. you were the one that said hou were going tgo do it

tim im not offering you false hope

tim im not going to walk away from the game. im here as a player ... let me sleep on it

kelsey gets up and walks out.. grabs her blanket.. then says she cant sleep in there it too noisy

tim you want to sleep in the same bed?

cass no..
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