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Old 08-10-2016, 07:14 pm
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Wednesday 8/10/16

zakiyah oh.. im so stupid!!!!

natalie im just telling you just in case you do get evicted..

vic in with a tray of cookies.

zakiyah i dont want to sleep next to him

natalie dont.. open your eyes..

zakiyah who do i ahve have? michelle is leaving.. and i ahve you and james

natalie you dont have jsut me and james

natalie i heard about teh fatal 5.. if you girls wwere about girl power. how come davonne is gone tifffany is gone.. nicole hasnt ever been put up.. girls are supposed to be about girl power..

zakiyah yeah i wasa in it and then tiffany goes crazy.. and as far as i concsidered it was over.. and i told paulie he was the only one i could trust

natalie im at the point that i heard everyone was talking shit about me .. i know how good i am..

zkaiyah the one person i trusted talks shit about me..

natalie you do what you want tiwht this info.. if i go to jury.. im happy as hell.. i jsut wanted you to know what ive been bottling up inside

zakiyah i appreciate you alot natalie

nbatalie some people keep people close like nicople and corey.. im confused why yoru 1 guy didnt use teh veto on you

zakiyah other peopole ae wondering too

natalie the whole house knew that he wasnt going to use it.. he knew that you would use it.. youa re not playing yoru game youa re playijg his game..

zakiyah.. i needed this so much

natalie for a while i was playing vioctors game.. and now im plyihng my game.. but i told james.. if we have to part ways do yoru thing.. adn i'll see ya at jury..

natalie this should only make you stronger..

z akiyah it does..

natalie i promise i will be in ther kitchen fighting with you

zakiyah i needed it. iw as being too gullible and stupid.. and io knopw my family appreciates you right now..

natalie you are not the onloy one he's lied to..

zakiyah little fuck boy

natalie he said i like to lie cuz im a fake pageant girl .. im not a liar.. i would expect teh same from the other person

zakiyah yeah

natalie now you can play a better game

zakiyah.. bitch he dropped after me.. i knew it!!

natalie play with your brain not yor heart

zakiyah should i not trust nicole and corey

natalie that's up to you..
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