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Old 10-08-2016, 02:29 pm
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Saturday 10/8/16

Monte he came on too strong for me i didnt go after him or call him out. there has been a few incidents where he tried to get under my skin

jason yeah you need to take that in stride cuz when you said you dont want to sleep in a bed with any man.. i coulda taken it like oh hit monte a homophobe

monte yeah

jason yeah so i coulda taken that

monte talks over jason.. yeha.. that could be taken the wrong way.. there is nothing wrong with people being different that's what makes the world go round

Kryssie the disconnect is when you let your personal outside business. come in

Monte my main focus is my sisters and my little niece. and i will walk out of this house glady if they tell me to leave over that reason .. there is no room for sexis,m i saw girls get rape and all kinds of things.. if you tell me you are going to im not going to sit ther and laugh at it.. just cuz everyone eles is.. piss off.. not everyone is going to like you.. get over it

neeley i wanted to know as an african american woman.

monte no yeah..

neeeley i dont need to hear from anyone else.. i shoot your striaght

monte there are moment where he tried to get under my skin.. and i think scott went to far.. and maybe justin has a very good reason to be mad at me..

kryssie i think it goes deeper than that..

monte if scott is playing the race card thne i dont neeedd that on me..

neeley im done with both sides of teh hose.. fuck that.. be cool with who you want to be cool with

monte i dont hang out with you all the time and im cool with you neeley

motne it shouldn't have gotten to that point where he called me out

kryssie he's not going till he throws a punch

monte i dont fight even outside of here.. i need to ahve a one on one with scott

krissye i think that's a good idea

monte you want to snake and put the 2 big dogs agsint each other.. that;'s fine but done put taht racist card on me
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