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Old 07-24-2018, 08:32 am
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Tuesday 7/24/18

backpost 2:33 am Feeds 1/2 Angie talks to Brett in Kitchen and outside

Angie: listen i want you to know that i love this game and game recognizes game. I dont know who you did that but kudos to you.. I want to stay here and im a fan of the game.. and I want to be someone who if im in jury can say that this guy played the game and not be a big FU to a person in Jury for my vote.

Brett is doing a lot of yeah

Angie outside with brett, Like listen this is a game and i thought it was cool to try and be on the shw. i sent in a tape i was a stay at home mom and i got on.. and you know the one thing i am is loyal and i thought if we had a loyal 5 that i can go to the end with those.. but that fell apart cuz someone put up the person from our side. we didn't talk more in the beginning cuz that was my thing.. I thought i could do other things and i have these social skills. Im older than all of you and I get damn i woulda done better 10 years ago. it's cool though it's a cool ride whatever it is.

Brett: yeah.. so where is your strategy now that one of your 5 is gone

Angie; that's out the door . I would not call me a floater cuz im not. i have constant thoughts and see things that are going on.

Brett: floaters know what's going on in the game

Angie: i'd like to think of myself as a bishop in the game. Im a strategist and and a counsel. i wouldn't call myself a floater. I feel more like an advisor a wise advisor.

Brett; when we got in the house swaggy drew a line and said these are his people and i was like ok im not cool enough to be in your club so i'll go over here.

Angie: I didnt know he did that but 1st off he's 23. (she knew ) When i would walk into a room with you and winston you would just walk away. so in my mind i was like you drew that line.. and i told winston that yo did that.. you'd just stop talking and what you're supposed to do is to keep talking and part of this is social. and i voted for winston to stay and i dont know how you did that but moving forward.. dont do that anymore. dont stop talking.. like why>. im a fucking person. you guys drew that line.. there would be silence adn stand up and walk out.. and i was like cool mother fuckers.. duces.. it happened in the geometry room. you guys would stand up and walk out. and i was like they never meet anyone one like me. and that i was cool and im not going to bite ya.

Bret changes the convo to laundry and heads to the washing machines.

Angie: i thought that i could get the 5 and roll with them and i haven't played a shady game yet.. and you know that and those are things for you to consider and think about and i appreciate aht things stay here ..

Brett: i appreciate the effort. i dont want for you to leave for it to be on bad terms.

Angie: you are going to do what you are going to do and i think you are a smart guy and you will do what is best for your game.

Brett laughs to himself alone after Angie leaves the BY.

BB calls brett to the DR right after his talk with angie

Brett laughs as he heads towards the sliding door

Angie to herself in jenga room:

I had a talk with brett and i think it went well. I appealed to his strategic nature with my love of the game and expressed my loyalties.. So maybe we might be able to pull off a surprise with our enemy. Which would be both thrilling and exciting. he may just keep me here. I havent started pulling out all the cards yet but that was a good 1st move that i feel pretty solid about. it makes me feel a lot better.. and if i can go to sleep i will do my make up in the morning and start fresh with a new attitude. cuz i went thru my rockstar phases of self pity anger more self pity and action mode. so if i could pull off. having a surprise vote in Brett who knows what else i could pull off in this house. we're going to see america. game recognize game.. evil genius appreciates evil genius. Im going to campaign my heart out. that is all any of us can do in this game. we have to fight for what is right.

End back post
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Last edited by UgotBronx; 07-24-2018 at 08:37 am.
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